Angelic Comfort Has a New Site!
Check out Angelic Comfort's new site! http://www.angelic-comfort.com
Our Loved Ones After Passing. A Message For You
I am being told by the angels to share what I see when I come in contact with someone from the other side, so it will hopefully put your minds at ease with your loved ones who have crossed. Most spirits appear to us at an age and in appearance they will be recognized through description to you. Sometimes they appear younger at a point in their life when they were happiest.
It is very true that when they suffered here on earth with illness and pain up until the time of passing, the pain and suffering are gone. They are healthy and full of life again. They don't look like they did at the time of passing. They will show us what they went through and sometimes we feel it. That's confirmation for you that it is the right person.
They do hear you when you speak to them and they do see what is going on with you. They do miss you as you miss them, but they don't want to see you suffer their passing, as they are always there for you. You just can't see them in the physical form and most remember them as they were at the time of passing.
They will let you know they are there and thinking of you in several different ways. It could be through a smell, a sound, touch, sudden coolness around you, a familiar object associated with them moved, their favorite bird, animal or flower suddenly appears, a sudden memory and in your dreams. Those dreams are real and not wishful. They are coming to you at that time to communicate with you. There are so many ways they let us know and show their love. If you take the time to breathe and relax, you will start noticing their signs. There are so many different ways to show you, but it's up to you to recognize them.
Sometimes we have tough decisions to make in regard to sustaining life or to release. When that decision has to be made, no matter how hard it is, they have given you the answer of their wish and you granted it. Many question whether or not they did the right thing for many years after, causing emotional suffering to themselves. Know that you gave them the blessing of no more suffering. They know you couldn't make that decision on your own. You heard their wish and followed through. You gave them a gift. The gift of unconditional and unselfish love.
Let this holiday season bring you peace of mind that your loved ones are with you to celebrate your life and wish for you not to suffer the physical loss. They feel and see your sadness. They wish nothing more than for you to be able to move forward in life and know they are now safe, pain free, happy and loved; joining up with other loved ones and celebrating you. With all of their love from the other side....
I hope this helps bring inner peace and warmth to many of you.
In Love and Light, ^j^
It is very true that when they suffered here on earth with illness and pain up until the time of passing, the pain and suffering are gone. They are healthy and full of life again. They don't look like they did at the time of passing. They will show us what they went through and sometimes we feel it. That's confirmation for you that it is the right person.
They do hear you when you speak to them and they do see what is going on with you. They do miss you as you miss them, but they don't want to see you suffer their passing, as they are always there for you. You just can't see them in the physical form and most remember them as they were at the time of passing.
They will let you know they are there and thinking of you in several different ways. It could be through a smell, a sound, touch, sudden coolness around you, a familiar object associated with them moved, their favorite bird, animal or flower suddenly appears, a sudden memory and in your dreams. Those dreams are real and not wishful. They are coming to you at that time to communicate with you. There are so many ways they let us know and show their love. If you take the time to breathe and relax, you will start noticing their signs. There are so many different ways to show you, but it's up to you to recognize them.
Sometimes we have tough decisions to make in regard to sustaining life or to release. When that decision has to be made, no matter how hard it is, they have given you the answer of their wish and you granted it. Many question whether or not they did the right thing for many years after, causing emotional suffering to themselves. Know that you gave them the blessing of no more suffering. They know you couldn't make that decision on your own. You heard their wish and followed through. You gave them a gift. The gift of unconditional and unselfish love.
Let this holiday season bring you peace of mind that your loved ones are with you to celebrate your life and wish for you not to suffer the physical loss. They feel and see your sadness. They wish nothing more than for you to be able to move forward in life and know they are now safe, pain free, happy and loved; joining up with other loved ones and celebrating you. With all of their love from the other side....
I hope this helps bring inner peace and warmth to many of you.
In Love and Light, ^j^
Manifest The Good
It's a brand new day and fresh start at life for all of us! If you are feeling down, remember that keeping a positive mindset and positive environment around you wards off any negativity or the effects of it within your life. If those around you have a negative state of being then help them to be positive as having one negative person near you consistently will drain and counteract your positive efforts. If you are the one being negative, start making the changes today and talk about the positive in your life with others. It's important to focus on the many blessings that are bestowed upon us then to constantly discuss things that are not. You can manifest positive changes, reversing negative ones based on your words, thoughts and actions. Only you can make these changes and the difference needed within your life and it starts within. Remember that you are loved, deserving, blessed, cared for, make a difference in this world, mean so much to another and today is your day! Sending you all much warmth and love; especially wishing you all a fabulous day!
Embracing Perfection
beautiful blue sky and sunny day to you all from the Finger Lakes!
Embrace this day wherever you may be and create perfection. What I mean
by perfection is taking the time to enjoy the day you are facing and
work on the perfection of how you see, feel, perceive your
surroundings, self and the different tasks at hand. When we work on
seeing things from a different perspective; allowing us to
see outside of our own box and make even the subtle changes needed
towards inner peace, everything will shift towards perfection. Even
though we don't completely reach perfection, each step taken towards it
is a step closer to self, balance and peace. Have a fabulous day filled
with Perfection!
Much love to you all!
Much love to you all!
Cyber Monday!
Happy Cyber-Monday!!!! This special runs through December 30th, 2013! 30 minute readings $30 and 60 minute readings $60! Readings via phone and skype. US and International http://angeliccomfort.blogspot.com/p/specials.html
A Special Thank You
beautiful day everyone! Every night when I go to bed it's a time for me
to reflect on the day that is about to end. I look at the people who
have crossed my path that day, the events that unfolded throughout, the
challenges, the peaceful moments and the love that is shown to me. In
this time I look at myself and the changes that I can make to improve
myself as a better person and then I move onto
my many blessings. After last night's show my energy levels were
extremely high and when they finally started to come down a bit the
feelings of humbleness and gratitude filled my heart even more than
earlier in the evening. It was a show that had a chat room like I hadn't
seen before. It was highly interactive with the guest and myself. The
number of people in attendance was amazing and the skype call in worked
perfectly for questions, testing it out for the first time. We all had
fun and much was learned by us all, as it was a real hopping show with a
perfect balance of laughter and serious moments. I just want to take a
moment to thank you all for being a part of this awesome journey with
me. As I state at the beginning of each show... It isn't myself or the
guests who make it what it is, it is each one of you that volunteer your
time to promote it; telling your friends, family and co-workers to
listen in and the love you show in support. Thank you for being a
blessing in my life. I love you all very much! xoxo
The Kitchen Goddess Nina
The Kitchen Goddess Nina came to be about due to the passion of Nina De
Santo, founder of the holistic and organic business. Nina is on a
journey to educate others on the importance and benefits of living and
eating healthy. When Nina learned of the numerous amounts of toxic
chemicals in the daily foods we eat and products that we use daily, she
decided offer others the opportunity to not only learn, but to purchase
all natural and organic products from her site.
Nina has created a line of soaps and everyday health products that are finalized with some energy work infusion, to help increase a person's own vibrational levels. When the body is treated properly and well cared for then there is a perfect balance created which encompasses the mind, body and spirit. Kitchen Goddess Nina's mission is to inspire and empower others to take control of their life and health.
Stop by her shop and see all of the products she has including jewelry and metaphysical items. She will also be expanding into more as times moves forward. http://www.kitchengoddessnina.com
Nina has created a line of soaps and everyday health products that are finalized with some energy work infusion, to help increase a person's own vibrational levels. When the body is treated properly and well cared for then there is a perfect balance created which encompasses the mind, body and spirit. Kitchen Goddess Nina's mission is to inspire and empower others to take control of their life and health.
Stop by her shop and see all of the products she has including jewelry and metaphysical items. She will also be expanding into more as times moves forward. http://www.kitchengoddessnina.com
Too Much Complaining Falls On Deaf Ears
doesn't just happen over night. There won't be change through
complaining about things big or small. It happens by getting up and
doing, redirecting thought patterns and action. When complaining is used
to create change it becomes ignored and unheard. It's like brow beating
a topic or person to death... They will continue to do as they have
been all along. Your words have become unheard. So no matter what it is
you want to see change with... Do it through action to back the words
you speak and set the example. Remember that change starts with you...
Loyalty. This draw is about
standing up for yourself in your true self form. The Angels are telling
you that the time is now to gain the courage and be loyal to your true
self. Treat yourself right and be who you are meant to be. Stop being
loyal to those who aren't loyal to the true you and move forward, being
the person you are meant to be along your journey. As hard as this may
be to express your true self to others, it is important to be whole.
This card is from the "Wisdom of The House of Night" deck. P.C. Cast +
Colette Baron + Reid
Mercury In Retrograde October 21st - November 10th
When Mercury goes into retrograde, it slows down in speed with its
rotation around the sun. With the planet slowing down it gives the
appearance of moving backwards instead of forwards, due to the other
plants maintaining their same rotational speed. Mercury is known as the
"Messenger" and is all about communication. Many people panic when they
hear that Mercury is in Retrograde and with good reason.
Communication is the keyword when it comes to a Mercury Retrograde. As if the past few weeks we haven't had it rough enough with how misunderstandings can occur, Mercury is upping the ante. You will need to be very selective with your words in order to communicate effectively with others. Those words or buttons you accidentally push with others won't be overlooked during this time period and could cause disagreements, misunderstandings and the lose of relationships on all levels.
You will notice that there may be delays with things you expect to arrive, people or decisions being made by others. Also it is advised not to sign any contracts during these days as your thinking will be different when the retrograde is over and they also say it's the same for getting engaged or married. If you think frustration with electronics is an issue outside of the retrograde, this is a time when cell calls will get disconnected, your computer may act up and many disturbance will be noticed with other electronic equipment.
So you know what to look for and how to avoid the effects of the Mercury Retrograde, we will break it down into astrological signs. If you are on the cusp with your birth date, merge the two signs. Remember... Just because Mercury Retrograde has these possible effects on you, especially with communications, doesn't mean it can be used as an excuse if you are consciously aware and take the steps to prevent it.
Aries Watch communication in regard to your job and health. You may also want to avoid conversations about intimacy with your partner at this time. You may see delays in money received and pay attention to your finances. Don't overspend and take the time to rethink other areas of your life.
Taurus Communications will be difficult with lovers and children. You may have old romantic conversations come up. Make sure that you pay attention to what is being said and the meaning behind the words, not just the words itself or the relationship could end. Do not over react during these discussions. An ex lover may resurface during this time. Be careful with your communications with them and again listen to what is being meant when they speak and not the words used. Pay attention to your finances and rethink before signing contracts or making agreements with partners.
Gemini Mercury Retrograde effects how other people perceive you and communications are can be off with family members especially. Watch conversations and decisions made in regard to home and domestic issues. Put them off until later, especially if it has to do with family. Watch your health and dietary programs during this time and speak clearly when it comes to your health providers. Work may be a challenge. Do not be judgmental when it comes to your co-workers and the work you do. Some may want to seek another job, but it is best to wait on making any decisions. You may also need to redo some of your own work.
Cancer Communication is really effected with romantic partners and children if you have any. Do not over react, jump to conclusions prematurely or make any decisions in regard to either during this time. You may become frustrated with your partner or children during this time, and will want to bring up past issues. Take the time to rest on them until Mercury goes direct. Things with your partner may appear to be dull, so instead take this to to rethink how you can change the relationship instead of calling it quits. After the retrograde, you may regret it.
Leo Be careful with your personal finances and you may become frustrated with friends or group events. Friends will have a tendency to have you on the edge with what they say. During this time you should brush it off. If you made plans to meet with groups of people, they may be delayed or cancelled. Decisions with your home remodeling, repairs or purchasing a new one may be best to wait, as they may not turn out as planned.
Virgo Communication will effect you in all areas. Pay attention to your own body language, as what you speak will not coincide with how you act. People will misunderstand you if you don't think prior to speaking. This includes on the phone, in person, texts, emails, letters, etc. Also if you are speaking to the public, also choose your words wisely. If you are just causally speaking to another, be careful what you say may come back on you. You may notice that your letters are getting lost, emails not received and even transportation issues are likely during this time. Make the extra time to leave early for appointments. Remember that others will misunderstand your words, so review prior to speaking, sending out letters or any work that involves writing.
Libra Extra care is called for when dealing with legal issues, finances and travel. Communications will be off for you in these areas. Do not solidify travels plans during this time and watch your spending. Do not purchase anything major or on a whim at this time. Restructuring your spending habits during this time and after would be beneficial for you. Things from your past may resurface that will need your attention. Use caution in how you handle these matters, especially when it comes to legal matters and finances. Be caeful of someone trying to deceive you at this time or possibly working against you.
Scorpio Communication may be difficult with friends, groups of people and those with joint financial matters. Others may claim you are isolating yourself a bit, you seem distant, or you will notice that they are misunderstanding you. Pay attention to your body language during this time and your facial expressions when speaking to others. The words you speak during this time should have you take a step back to really think if what you are saying is actually helping or hindering you. We all know the Scorpio can sting with their words and decisions, but is it best at this time. You are the one who will be out of sorts... Not the others you deal with.
Sagittarius Communication could be strained when it comes to your career or those you are intimate with. Heated discussions could occur if it pertains to your finances, your personal life or your inner thoughts. Make sure that if you do express yourself, be careful the words you choose and be clear with what you say so there is no misinterpretation. It may be best to not bring things up or discuss them during this time. Wait until Mercury goes direct.
Capricorn Communication will be very tricky for you during this time period with travel, legal matters, your opinions, at work and with coworkers. You will really need to think before you speak or you could be isolated by those you do communicate with. It is best to not sign any binding contracts at this time or setting any travel plans as you may change your mind after. Group meetings or events you may be postponed or cancelled. You may see an old acquaintance or feel the need to contact one. There is a green light here for you to do so.
Aquarius Communications are greatly effected when it comes to children, intimate conversations, romantic partners and financial issues. Be careful if taking out a loan at this time and possibly rethink how you spend your money or acquire it. Is there a way to restructure? Speaking with the public at this time needs to be very precise and clear so there are no misunderstandings. Your own thinking may even be clouded at the moment. Some of you may be considering changes within your life, both small and large. This is a great time to consider the path you wish for, but it is advised on waiting to actually make these changes until Mercury goes direct. Many Aquarians are aware of this and may actually just sit back to observe.
Pisces Your communication in regard to family, home, partners and partnerships may be complicated if not cause complications during this time. Expressing your opinions with others can come over the wrong way with those you speak with now, so take extra precautionary measures to what what you say and how you say it. Travel plans may be delayed during this time and it is advised to leave earlier if planning on making appointments or arriving at your destination on time. If dealing with lawyers or signing contracts, be very clear with your approach and words.
It is best advised that during the Mercury Retrograde, all signs think before speaking and major decisions should be well thought out before finalizing. Everyone's perception is a bit off and who wants to be misunderstood? Remember that once words are spoken... they can't be taken back...
Communication is the keyword when it comes to a Mercury Retrograde. As if the past few weeks we haven't had it rough enough with how misunderstandings can occur, Mercury is upping the ante. You will need to be very selective with your words in order to communicate effectively with others. Those words or buttons you accidentally push with others won't be overlooked during this time period and could cause disagreements, misunderstandings and the lose of relationships on all levels.
You will notice that there may be delays with things you expect to arrive, people or decisions being made by others. Also it is advised not to sign any contracts during these days as your thinking will be different when the retrograde is over and they also say it's the same for getting engaged or married. If you think frustration with electronics is an issue outside of the retrograde, this is a time when cell calls will get disconnected, your computer may act up and many disturbance will be noticed with other electronic equipment.
So you know what to look for and how to avoid the effects of the Mercury Retrograde, we will break it down into astrological signs. If you are on the cusp with your birth date, merge the two signs. Remember... Just because Mercury Retrograde has these possible effects on you, especially with communications, doesn't mean it can be used as an excuse if you are consciously aware and take the steps to prevent it.
Aries Watch communication in regard to your job and health. You may also want to avoid conversations about intimacy with your partner at this time. You may see delays in money received and pay attention to your finances. Don't overspend and take the time to rethink other areas of your life.
Taurus Communications will be difficult with lovers and children. You may have old romantic conversations come up. Make sure that you pay attention to what is being said and the meaning behind the words, not just the words itself or the relationship could end. Do not over react during these discussions. An ex lover may resurface during this time. Be careful with your communications with them and again listen to what is being meant when they speak and not the words used. Pay attention to your finances and rethink before signing contracts or making agreements with partners.
Gemini Mercury Retrograde effects how other people perceive you and communications are can be off with family members especially. Watch conversations and decisions made in regard to home and domestic issues. Put them off until later, especially if it has to do with family. Watch your health and dietary programs during this time and speak clearly when it comes to your health providers. Work may be a challenge. Do not be judgmental when it comes to your co-workers and the work you do. Some may want to seek another job, but it is best to wait on making any decisions. You may also need to redo some of your own work.
Cancer Communication is really effected with romantic partners and children if you have any. Do not over react, jump to conclusions prematurely or make any decisions in regard to either during this time. You may become frustrated with your partner or children during this time, and will want to bring up past issues. Take the time to rest on them until Mercury goes direct. Things with your partner may appear to be dull, so instead take this to to rethink how you can change the relationship instead of calling it quits. After the retrograde, you may regret it.
Leo Be careful with your personal finances and you may become frustrated with friends or group events. Friends will have a tendency to have you on the edge with what they say. During this time you should brush it off. If you made plans to meet with groups of people, they may be delayed or cancelled. Decisions with your home remodeling, repairs or purchasing a new one may be best to wait, as they may not turn out as planned.
Virgo Communication will effect you in all areas. Pay attention to your own body language, as what you speak will not coincide with how you act. People will misunderstand you if you don't think prior to speaking. This includes on the phone, in person, texts, emails, letters, etc. Also if you are speaking to the public, also choose your words wisely. If you are just causally speaking to another, be careful what you say may come back on you. You may notice that your letters are getting lost, emails not received and even transportation issues are likely during this time. Make the extra time to leave early for appointments. Remember that others will misunderstand your words, so review prior to speaking, sending out letters or any work that involves writing.
Libra Extra care is called for when dealing with legal issues, finances and travel. Communications will be off for you in these areas. Do not solidify travels plans during this time and watch your spending. Do not purchase anything major or on a whim at this time. Restructuring your spending habits during this time and after would be beneficial for you. Things from your past may resurface that will need your attention. Use caution in how you handle these matters, especially when it comes to legal matters and finances. Be caeful of someone trying to deceive you at this time or possibly working against you.
Scorpio Communication may be difficult with friends, groups of people and those with joint financial matters. Others may claim you are isolating yourself a bit, you seem distant, or you will notice that they are misunderstanding you. Pay attention to your body language during this time and your facial expressions when speaking to others. The words you speak during this time should have you take a step back to really think if what you are saying is actually helping or hindering you. We all know the Scorpio can sting with their words and decisions, but is it best at this time. You are the one who will be out of sorts... Not the others you deal with.
Sagittarius Communication could be strained when it comes to your career or those you are intimate with. Heated discussions could occur if it pertains to your finances, your personal life or your inner thoughts. Make sure that if you do express yourself, be careful the words you choose and be clear with what you say so there is no misinterpretation. It may be best to not bring things up or discuss them during this time. Wait until Mercury goes direct.
Capricorn Communication will be very tricky for you during this time period with travel, legal matters, your opinions, at work and with coworkers. You will really need to think before you speak or you could be isolated by those you do communicate with. It is best to not sign any binding contracts at this time or setting any travel plans as you may change your mind after. Group meetings or events you may be postponed or cancelled. You may see an old acquaintance or feel the need to contact one. There is a green light here for you to do so.
Aquarius Communications are greatly effected when it comes to children, intimate conversations, romantic partners and financial issues. Be careful if taking out a loan at this time and possibly rethink how you spend your money or acquire it. Is there a way to restructure? Speaking with the public at this time needs to be very precise and clear so there are no misunderstandings. Your own thinking may even be clouded at the moment. Some of you may be considering changes within your life, both small and large. This is a great time to consider the path you wish for, but it is advised on waiting to actually make these changes until Mercury goes direct. Many Aquarians are aware of this and may actually just sit back to observe.
Pisces Your communication in regard to family, home, partners and partnerships may be complicated if not cause complications during this time. Expressing your opinions with others can come over the wrong way with those you speak with now, so take extra precautionary measures to what what you say and how you say it. Travel plans may be delayed during this time and it is advised to leave earlier if planning on making appointments or arriving at your destination on time. If dealing with lawyers or signing contracts, be very clear with your approach and words.
It is best advised that during the Mercury Retrograde, all signs think before speaking and major decisions should be well thought out before finalizing. Everyone's perception is a bit off and who wants to be misunderstood? Remember that once words are spoken... they can't be taken back...
Auric Blend Perfume Oil Line Expanding In The Angelic Shop

The card pull is about listening. Not just listening with your ears but also your site. You will come across situations that you may have to read between the lines to understand what someone is actually telling you. Pay attention to the body language as what is seen and heard may be two different things. Silence is also a good source of information when paying attention. To know all the facts and the truth... You need to Listen... This card is from the "Wisdom of The House of Night" deck. P.C. Cast + Colette Baron + Reid
Happiness Is Yours For The Taking

Many believe that to be happy involves other people in order for it to be achieved, which couldn't be further from the truth. Happiness is an emotion or feeling that is obtained through our own thought process and actions. Each person has the choice to seek happiness but tend to not realize that what they are seeking is within themselves. Everyone has events in their lives that make them unhappy, but it's the choice to move forward and continue to not let those events effect us as a person or those around us.
If one is negative and dwells on the negative events and people in their lives, allowing it to consume who they are, then finding that happiness is more difficult within than those who already found it. Happiness is like maintaining a positive attitude. It takes work and effort to achieve if it isn't already a natural part of your life.
To help find your happiness, figure out what it is that makes you unhappy and then list those things that do. What can be changed in your life and what needs to change with you? Remember that everything starts from within you. Once it is achieved, then it becomes natural and an actual coping mechanism that assists you through those rough times. It's a skill that once mastered changes one(s) perspective on life and allows a steady flow of blessings!
"Happiness is a choice that we create for ourselves that spreads outwards. It is not an option to expect others to make you happy, nor is it appropriate to try and dampen another(s) due to your own unhappiness. It is each individual's responsibility to create it. If others add to your happiness then it is an added blessing bestowed upon you. Choose to be happy... Make it happen.... It's only you that is causing that block...."
The Mortal Vampire: Beginnings
E.W. Bradfute creatively draws you in with his graphic and descriptive writing. What do a college campus, politics and every day life have in common? Join Stephen as he takes you along on his investigations, trying to find out who, why, when, what and where! This non-classic murder mystery adds many twists and turns including the characteristics of a vampire, yet also that of the Grim Reaper? Bradfute has one of the most graphically horrific eye scenes and a few other gruesome ones that make the reader cringe in this toe curling murder mystery!
The Mortal Vampire is published by Dark Oak Press and Media. You may purchase it at the following link... http://www.darkoakpress.com/tmv.html
Weekly Astrological Outlook
When we are aware of the different planetary alignments and the moon
phases, we are given the leverage to utilize the energies that work for
us and push off the energies that work against us. Here is what you need
to know....
Venus is in Sagittarius October 4th until November 5th, bringing the desire to pass our own limits when it comes to love. Desire, lust and need for romance increase pushing us further into that which we aren't familiar with. The key is to know what it is that you want and then act out on these if allowed. It's the perfect time to spice up an existing relationship or start a new. Either way... know what you want.
Satrun is in Scorpio October 5th through December 23rd, 2014. This is a time where you will start weed out stagnant ideas, plans and people within your life that just aren't working any more. It is also a time where we start speaking more honestly and get to the root of issues. Relationships will become closer if there is compromise and honesty when it comes to ideas and desires. Without the compromise and honesty, the relationship could crumble. It is also a time period where we want to watch your words carefully to others as not to cause hurtful feelings.
The Moon enters Pisces October 14th through the 16th leaving us in a dream state. You may be inclined to favor the different Arts at this time, listening to music, reading and letting your mind wander. Although being in a dreamy state is good, you will notice many not being grounded due to this. It is also a few days where some will feel the need to be in and express their self pity. Try not to fall into that trap.
Venus is in Sagittarius October 4th until November 5th, bringing the desire to pass our own limits when it comes to love. Desire, lust and need for romance increase pushing us further into that which we aren't familiar with. The key is to know what it is that you want and then act out on these if allowed. It's the perfect time to spice up an existing relationship or start a new. Either way... know what you want.
Satrun is in Scorpio October 5th through December 23rd, 2014. This is a time where you will start weed out stagnant ideas, plans and people within your life that just aren't working any more. It is also a time where we start speaking more honestly and get to the root of issues. Relationships will become closer if there is compromise and honesty when it comes to ideas and desires. Without the compromise and honesty, the relationship could crumble. It is also a time period where we want to watch your words carefully to others as not to cause hurtful feelings.
The Moon enters Pisces October 14th through the 16th leaving us in a dream state. You may be inclined to favor the different Arts at this time, listening to music, reading and letting your mind wander. Although being in a dreamy state is good, you will notice many not being grounded due to this. It is also a few days where some will feel the need to be in and express their self pity. Try not to fall into that trap.
Mars is about to enter Virgo on the 15th and will remain there until December 7th! Mars is represented by fire and is impatient, forceful and straight forward with thoughts and opinions. Virgo is an Earth sign that chills the hot flames of Mars. Virgo is thoughtful, practical and patient. Together any projects you have going will be done quick and efficiently, but be aware that you will need to be patient with yourself and others. Watch your words and show patience with those working close to you; be it in a working environment or on the relationship front.
Fear Not The Color Black
The color black is a very popular color to wear for many people and some
don't realize that there is more to it than meets the eye, or putting a
label on another who wears black frequently. For some it is more may be
due to the slenderizing appearance that black offers, a color they
prefer, a fad or due to cultural and religious beliefs. Sometimes we
label people who have the preference for downing themselves in the color
black as being witches, satanic worshipers, and those who delve into
darkness. There is actually more to the color black than what society
has labeled those who wear it.
The color black is a very powerful protective color like the color white. The color black helps to protect one from negative energy; both physically and spiritually. Black crystals offer protection of your energy field (Aura), chakras, along with black clothing and accessories. The color black is as powerful if not more than white when worn or burned as a candle, for warding off negative energy and ridding an environment of it. It certainly would be a double standard to say that all the black crystals work against negativity and the clothing doesn't.
Even though white and black are on opposite sides of the color spectrum, it is through folklore and societies myths that black was given a bad label. I am not saying that everyone's intentions for the color black are for this purpose, but putting a positive twist on the color is important.
The combination of black and white is seen worn by many paranormal investigators for the reason of protection, which I am certain many did not realize. Witches have been known for centuries to wear the color black as a form of protection. It didn't matter which form of witchcraft the witch practiced. It does not draw in negativity, but reflect it. Only through the misconception of past beliefs has it become the label of misfortune and of the dark.
So fear not the color black or those who wear it often! Burn some black candles in your home and accessorize with the color black! It will not draw in negative spirits! The black cat that crosses your path would agree!
The color black is a very powerful protective color like the color white. The color black helps to protect one from negative energy; both physically and spiritually. Black crystals offer protection of your energy field (Aura), chakras, along with black clothing and accessories. The color black is as powerful if not more than white when worn or burned as a candle, for warding off negative energy and ridding an environment of it. It certainly would be a double standard to say that all the black crystals work against negativity and the clothing doesn't.
Even though white and black are on opposite sides of the color spectrum, it is through folklore and societies myths that black was given a bad label. I am not saying that everyone's intentions for the color black are for this purpose, but putting a positive twist on the color is important.
The combination of black and white is seen worn by many paranormal investigators for the reason of protection, which I am certain many did not realize. Witches have been known for centuries to wear the color black as a form of protection. It didn't matter which form of witchcraft the witch practiced. It does not draw in negativity, but reflect it. Only through the misconception of past beliefs has it become the label of misfortune and of the dark.
So fear not the color black or those who wear it often! Burn some black candles in your home and accessorize with the color black! It will not draw in negative spirits! The black cat that crosses your path would agree!
The Test of Words
A spoken test; a twist with extra additives, like a book written of mystery...
Passing the test is simple if it is repeated from a place without intention and greed once told...
Unspoken words meant for another and heard only by the soul; words that are pure, real and true...
Don't expect all that is spoken to be taken as complete knowing... Some spoken words are a test of trust to see if one belongs in another one's tight circle...
To know a person for the details of their life that many seek and as a whole is more for those within the small tight circle and at times even more personal between that of only two...
Renee Marie Stilwell-Tennant
Passing the test is simple if it is repeated from a place without intention and greed once told...
Unspoken words meant for another and heard only by the soul; words that are pure, real and true...
Don't expect all that is spoken to be taken as complete knowing... Some spoken words are a test of trust to see if one belongs in another one's tight circle...
To know a person for the details of their life that many seek and as a whole is more for those within the small tight circle and at times even more personal between that of only two...
Renee Marie Stilwell-Tennant
Afterlife Mysteries Revealed
There are a many events in our lives that can occur, leading us to
moments where we may experience our world coming to an end. They are in
different magnitudes depending on the situation, but the loss of a child
is on the top of the list. As a parent myself, just the thought of
losing one of mine is beyond the imaginable, but to those who have lost
one of their children, that is exactly what happens. Their world comes
to an end. It stops completely. Ask any parent and they will tell you
that one of their wishes in life is to pass prior to their children, no
matter what the age.
Author Kalila Smith has just finished her latest book titled 'Afterlife Mysteries Revealed'. Kalila lost her daughter, Stephanie, unexpectedly last year and captures her feelings of anger, sadness, emptiness and her quest to answer the questions that many have in regard to life after death, in her latest book. Kalila's book takes you on her journey and path to healing, answering the questions many have and especially those who grieve the loss of a child. Her story is full of emotion that as the reader leaves you feeling as if you are the one experiencing and living these moments along with her. The determination to prove and provide evidence that many may not believe or are afraid to know, is admirable. Kalila's book is a heartwarming, heart grabbing, written with the unconditional and everlasting love of a mother. A book that is highly recommended to any parent who is grieving the loss of a child, no matter what their age may have been in the physical world. Start your path to healing and journey alongside with Kalila.
'Afterlife Mysteries Revealed' was published by Dark Oak Press & Media. You may purchase her book by visiting Dark Oak Press & Media at http://www.darkoakpress.com/afterlife.html
Author Kalila Smith has just finished her latest book titled 'Afterlife Mysteries Revealed'. Kalila lost her daughter, Stephanie, unexpectedly last year and captures her feelings of anger, sadness, emptiness and her quest to answer the questions that many have in regard to life after death, in her latest book. Kalila's book takes you on her journey and path to healing, answering the questions many have and especially those who grieve the loss of a child. Her story is full of emotion that as the reader leaves you feeling as if you are the one experiencing and living these moments along with her. The determination to prove and provide evidence that many may not believe or are afraid to know, is admirable. Kalila's book is a heartwarming, heart grabbing, written with the unconditional and everlasting love of a mother. A book that is highly recommended to any parent who is grieving the loss of a child, no matter what their age may have been in the physical world. Start your path to healing and journey alongside with Kalila.
'Afterlife Mysteries Revealed' was published by Dark Oak Press & Media. You may purchase her book by visiting Dark Oak Press & Media at http://www.darkoakpress.com/afterlife.html
Emotions and Communication: New Moon In Libra
With the New Moon in Libra that we just experienced, people are feeling a
bit frustrated and lacking patience. Emotions are heightened and it can
relate to any particular relationship or all. Communication is effected
and misunderstandings happen quickly. The best way to overcome these
changing effects are to step back and take a deep breath, making the
earnest attempt to think before you speak. Make sure your spoken and
written words aren't ones that can be misunderstood or hurtful towards
others. If others have done this to you, take into consideration the
effects due to the New Moon and cut a little slack. Think it through and
give the other person the same opportunity. Misunderstandings can lead
to heightened disagreements and even end some relationships.
On the other side of the coin, emotions running high can also be a positive thing when it comes to personal and intimate relationships. The relationship can increase with intensity as the emotions and feelings move up to the next level. So it can be a very favorable time for romance... Old and New alike!
Always remember that the negative effects of the moon and planetary alignments can be overridden if we are aware and take the measured steps to prevent and overcome the effects.
On the other side of the coin, emotions running high can also be a positive thing when it comes to personal and intimate relationships. The relationship can increase with intensity as the emotions and feelings move up to the next level. So it can be a very favorable time for romance... Old and New alike!
Always remember that the negative effects of the moon and planetary alignments can be overridden if we are aware and take the measured steps to prevent and overcome the effects.
Energy Vampires Stay Away
Do you ever feel like you are filled and surrounded by much
negativity? It's the worst when you are surrounded by those who are
negative and have a negative attitude throughout their day. Gosh how it
can infiltrate your own energy.. drain you and even make you feel
We call people who are negative... Energy Vampires! Some thrive on negativity as a form of attention or drama and then there are those who feel that nothing good can happen in their lives. Another form of Energy Vampire are those who don't exhibit it by the presence of being negative, but can actually be very savvy about it. Which ever type of Energy Vampire they are, you feel your own energy depleting in their company!
Here is an exercise that will assist you in blocking out these energy suckers and saving your own! Simply make a circle with each hand by connecting your thumb and forefinger. Take your circles and intertwine them to form a figure "8". While these are connected picture yourself surrounded by an energy field that is filled with white light. There is no opening.. no beginning and no end. Repeat to yourself that you are surrounded by positive white light and no negativity will penetrate your energy field.... It's as simple as that!
The only other alternative is to walk away...
We call people who are negative... Energy Vampires! Some thrive on negativity as a form of attention or drama and then there are those who feel that nothing good can happen in their lives. Another form of Energy Vampire are those who don't exhibit it by the presence of being negative, but can actually be very savvy about it. Which ever type of Energy Vampire they are, you feel your own energy depleting in their company!
Here is an exercise that will assist you in blocking out these energy suckers and saving your own! Simply make a circle with each hand by connecting your thumb and forefinger. Take your circles and intertwine them to form a figure "8". While these are connected picture yourself surrounded by an energy field that is filled with white light. There is no opening.. no beginning and no end. Repeat to yourself that you are surrounded by positive white light and no negativity will penetrate your energy field.... It's as simple as that!
The only other alternative is to walk away...
Finding The Perfect Balance
Many times we miss the beauty that surrounds us simply due to our busy
lives. In conjunction with our daily schedules are the worries, cares
and concerns. Many seek inner peace and a balance, but find it
difficult.... Especially now with many going through a rough time in
their lives.
Meditation is a great way to bring balance and a form of peace into our lives. There are many types of meditation techniques that don't involve sitting in a room of silence or soft music playing. Meditation can be done walking or even by doing an activity that you enjoy most. All you need to do is clear your mind for a designated period of time, that you choose. One of the fastest growing ways to achieve this is walking.
Choose a serene place to go. Nature is the best place to be, whether it's by water of in the woods. Both places have the most fabulous soothing energy! All you have to do is still your mind and breathe. Notice the beauty around you and let it perform its marvelous magic!
This photo was taken up at my parents where I grew up. This was my playground and still is to this day. Stepping into the woods and walking through the ravines to the creek below. Yes, we call the brooks and streams a creek. lol With every step you take on the property the Nature Spirits show themselves and let you know their joy to see you enjoying their beauty! It's simply breathtakingly beautiful!
Meditation is a great way to bring balance and a form of peace into our lives. There are many types of meditation techniques that don't involve sitting in a room of silence or soft music playing. Meditation can be done walking or even by doing an activity that you enjoy most. All you need to do is clear your mind for a designated period of time, that you choose. One of the fastest growing ways to achieve this is walking.
Choose a serene place to go. Nature is the best place to be, whether it's by water of in the woods. Both places have the most fabulous soothing energy! All you have to do is still your mind and breathe. Notice the beauty around you and let it perform its marvelous magic!
This photo was taken up at my parents where I grew up. This was my playground and still is to this day. Stepping into the woods and walking through the ravines to the creek below. Yes, we call the brooks and streams a creek. lol With every step you take on the property the Nature Spirits show themselves and let you know their joy to see you enjoying their beauty! It's simply breathtakingly beautiful!
Yin And Yang
Many people associate the Yin and Yang with the balancing of relationships, the Night and Day, Dark and Light or Total Opposites. Did you know that it also represents the balancing of the masculine and feminine within you? Each of us have masculine and feminine characteristics within us and when balanced, like everything else in life, we reach a better understanding of who we are and embrace the relationship of Self.
Balancing the relationship within also is acknowledging the light and dark sides that we all have. Yes, I said we all have a light and dark side. Our light and dark sides are the favorable and non-favorable characteristics that we sometimes don't like to recognize. It's actually important to recognize them.
When we are able to keep ourselves balanced on all levels, reaching the balance of our own relationship then relationships with others become balanced and in tune. Another advantage to balancing ourselves within is allowing the increase of our vibrational levels. Increasing our vibrational levels is a positive action which brings more positivity into your world. Higher vibrational levels also will expand on those who resonate on the same level and you will notice more people entering your life who are like minded.
So embrace your own masculinity and femininity! It's very advantageous!
Renee LIVE Archives
The current archives for the 'Renee LIVE Show' are now filed under one location! Feel free to listen to them, as they are available on YOUR time, any time! www.chirbit.com/reneelive 'Renee LIVE' airs every Sunday evening at 9pm EST on TMV Cafe www.tmvcafe.com You may also catch Renee, Monday evenings, 10pm EST on 'Dangerous Minds', which is also located on TMV Cafe, with fellow co-host EW Bradfute and Larry Atchley Jr.
Awaken To The Awareness Of Your Daily Life
Every day that we go through our daily lives, many things transpire during the hustle and bustle. Activities within our homes, errands, work, and sometimes a list that appears longer than Santa's Naughty List! We become so wrapped up in our own daily lives that we become blinded to what is transpiring or who is around us that isn't within our immediate vicinity.
One of my pet peeves is driving... I grew up being told to watch out for the animals that may run out in front of you, but as the years started passing by that isn't my main worry anymore. Other people driving on the road has risen to the top of my list. With all of the numerous safety devices implemented on vehicles and the road, they are only as good as the visual perception of others.
Everyone is in such a hurry to get from Point "A" to Point "B" and throw in "C, D, E..." that their adrenaline, worries, emotions and life issues, or simply being late getting somewhere clouds their reality of seeing the actual. You notice people pulling out in front of others where there isn't room enough. People not seeing other vehicles, slamming brakes, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic without concern for oncoming traffic. Then there is road rage or those speeding up to get in front of others because they don't want anyone in front of them, to only slow down again. Texting while driving is now a $150 fine with 5 points on your drivers license in New York State, as a new measure to prevent accidents.
Accidents are on the rise in the United States due to the lack of clear, cognitive, rational, peripheral and perceptional observance and thinking. It's the latest attitude that many carry and it is just as bad as a person getting behind the wheel after drinking , taking overly prescribed narcotics or recreational drugs. Their perception of what is going on around them is clouded or non-existent. A perfect example of how crazy things have become is daytime lights. It used to solely be that motorcycles used their headlight while driving, making other drivers aware they were there. Now they are lost in the crowd and people now aren't noticing the daytime lights on other vehicles....
I am certain many will agree that many mishaps occur on the road daily and maybe we are all guilty of being one of the drivers that is in a hurry, living in an obscured state for a short time. We really need to wake up and think about the repercussions we could face if we caused or are in an accident due to this. I know that I would have a difficult time living the rest of my life with a clear conscious if someone innocent or possibly several were permanently injured or killed due to my own irresponsibility.
So the next time you are out driving for whatever reason, challenge yourself to practice patience. Let go of ego, leave earlier and clear your mind so the main focus is to maneuver that large piece of machinery you are responsible for. It may save your life or that of another.
In Love and Light!
One of my pet peeves is driving... I grew up being told to watch out for the animals that may run out in front of you, but as the years started passing by that isn't my main worry anymore. Other people driving on the road has risen to the top of my list. With all of the numerous safety devices implemented on vehicles and the road, they are only as good as the visual perception of others.
Everyone is in such a hurry to get from Point "A" to Point "B" and throw in "C, D, E..." that their adrenaline, worries, emotions and life issues, or simply being late getting somewhere clouds their reality of seeing the actual. You notice people pulling out in front of others where there isn't room enough. People not seeing other vehicles, slamming brakes, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic without concern for oncoming traffic. Then there is road rage or those speeding up to get in front of others because they don't want anyone in front of them, to only slow down again. Texting while driving is now a $150 fine with 5 points on your drivers license in New York State, as a new measure to prevent accidents.
Accidents are on the rise in the United States due to the lack of clear, cognitive, rational, peripheral and perceptional observance and thinking. It's the latest attitude that many carry and it is just as bad as a person getting behind the wheel after drinking , taking overly prescribed narcotics or recreational drugs. Their perception of what is going on around them is clouded or non-existent. A perfect example of how crazy things have become is daytime lights. It used to solely be that motorcycles used their headlight while driving, making other drivers aware they were there. Now they are lost in the crowd and people now aren't noticing the daytime lights on other vehicles....
I am certain many will agree that many mishaps occur on the road daily and maybe we are all guilty of being one of the drivers that is in a hurry, living in an obscured state for a short time. We really need to wake up and think about the repercussions we could face if we caused or are in an accident due to this. I know that I would have a difficult time living the rest of my life with a clear conscious if someone innocent or possibly several were permanently injured or killed due to my own irresponsibility.
So the next time you are out driving for whatever reason, challenge yourself to practice patience. Let go of ego, leave earlier and clear your mind so the main focus is to maneuver that large piece of machinery you are responsible for. It may save your life or that of another.
In Love and Light!
The Twin Flame Misconception
I am
seeing all over FB that people are determined to seek out their Twin
Flames. What many aren't realizing about the Twin Flame are a few
important mentions.... The Twin Flame is your exact half... They are the
image of you spiritually and the equaling of polarization with Ying and
Yang. Many appear to be thinking this is only based on a romantic level
and that is all they believe it to be. A person's
Twin Flame can be a relative, a friend, co-worker, child, etc... It
doesn't always mean they will be your romantic partner.
The other side of this is that your Twin Flame may not even be in this lifetime with you. If you even meet your Twin Flame, you may not even like that person, as they will reflect a part of yourself you do not care for. The meeting of the Twin Flame is for the purpose of fulfilling a mission together and sometimes apart. They may meet and then part to fulfill that purpose. Lessons to learn and missions to accomplish.
A soul mate is very similar to a Twin Flame. Again with the respect of it can be any of those mentioned above. It doesn't always mean in a romantic way. We all have several soul mates in our lifetime, but only one Twin Flame for eternity. A soul mate will be close to your exact, but in the same sense are not. There will be differences. I just don't want to see people thinking that meeting their Twin Flame, if in this lifetime, is the perfect romantic picture. If it is in romantic nature and not through acquaintance, it can be extremely challenging and a let down for some. If you aren't certain if your Twin Flame is in this lifetime, connect with someone who can help you find out and then understand that it may not be the picture that you have placed in your mind...
The other side of this is that your Twin Flame may not even be in this lifetime with you. If you even meet your Twin Flame, you may not even like that person, as they will reflect a part of yourself you do not care for. The meeting of the Twin Flame is for the purpose of fulfilling a mission together and sometimes apart. They may meet and then part to fulfill that purpose. Lessons to learn and missions to accomplish.
A soul mate is very similar to a Twin Flame. Again with the respect of it can be any of those mentioned above. It doesn't always mean in a romantic way. We all have several soul mates in our lifetime, but only one Twin Flame for eternity. A soul mate will be close to your exact, but in the same sense are not. There will be differences. I just don't want to see people thinking that meeting their Twin Flame, if in this lifetime, is the perfect romantic picture. If it is in romantic nature and not through acquaintance, it can be extremely challenging and a let down for some. If you aren't certain if your Twin Flame is in this lifetime, connect with someone who can help you find out and then understand that it may not be the picture that you have placed in your mind...
The Dawning of A New Day
As I
sit outside working today, many thoughts have been running through my
mind. Of course as with many, the main one is today being the
Anniversary of September 11th, 2001. I vividly remember gathering with
high school students in the library of the school I worked in, watching
it all unfold live... The feelings, emotions, anger, disbelief, tears
shed and the holding of each other. The angels that
pulled together helping those who survived and desperately trying to
seek more survivors, those injured and willingly exposing themselves to toxic
fumes and chemicals... out of love to help another. The angels who walk
among us to this day that are helping those left behind.
As I reflect on this horrific event, the love in my heart only grows with the deepest of respect for how everyone pulled together around the world, offering support to the citizens of the United States.
A message from the Angels and guides for all of you:
We ask this of all our children, who were not directly involved, to let go of the anger and bitterness that is held inside of your hearts. Those who were truly effected still need your love and support emotionally. Their healing and grieving still carries on to this day and will for years to come. Help to guide them to the healing they need in a positive light. With all that is no more new growth emerges and move forward with hope, faith and belief that all will become stronger. Spread the peace, love and compassion daily to those you see suffering. See this world as a beautiful place and cherish each other. We ask this of you... ^*j*^
In Love and Light...
Reneé Marie
As I reflect on this horrific event, the love in my heart only grows with the deepest of respect for how everyone pulled together around the world, offering support to the citizens of the United States.
A message from the Angels and guides for all of you:
We ask this of all our children, who were not directly involved, to let go of the anger and bitterness that is held inside of your hearts. Those who were truly effected still need your love and support emotionally. Their healing and grieving still carries on to this day and will for years to come. Help to guide them to the healing they need in a positive light. With all that is no more new growth emerges and move forward with hope, faith and belief that all will become stronger. Spread the peace, love and compassion daily to those you see suffering. See this world as a beautiful place and cherish each other. We ask this of you... ^*j*^
In Love and Light...
Reneé Marie
Open Hearts and Open Minds
Embrace the
love others have for you and to give love back! Everyone has emotional
blocks and some trust issues, but if you take that leap instead of
holding back, judging prior to knowing others and reserving your own
true self gets you no where. You may be pleasantly surprised with the
results! So make today a day where you open your hearts and minds to
loving each other! Have a beautiful day with much giving and receiving
of #LOVE! I will start... I am spreading much love to each of you! xoxo
Renee LIVE Celebrates 2 Years!!!
August 25th marks exactly 2 years for Renee "Live"
and it happens to fall on a Sunday evening too, as the very first show
was on a Thursday night! Be ready to celebrate with my special line-up
of guests and myself, as I have one heck of a party show planned for
that evening! And yes, you read correctly... #Guests!!! You are who make the show and to show my #Gratitude, I am going to give you all a night you won't forget! Much love to you all! xoxo
Renee LIVE on Ghosthunters United August 8th, 2012
She's a #MONSTER!!! The Monster of @Monsterworks66, Maria Olsen!!! She is a Producer, Director, Actress and a fabulous soul sister of mine! We are going to be talking about her new upcoming Episode that is for kids, Our Zombie Mother and anything else that will spook you! See you all tomorrow night on Ghosthuntersunited! 9:30pm EST
Renee LIVE Reaching Beyond The Imaginable With Dr. Kimberly 08/04 by Word of Mom Radio | Paranormal Podcasts
9pm EST Encore re-play... 3 Mediums pulled in a Child Abductor/Murderer from the other side. This show is very intense... detailed graphic information! We will be in the chat room to interact with you!
Renee LIVE Reaching Beyond The Imaginable With Dr. Kimberly 08/04 by Word of Mom Radio | Paranormal Podcasts
Renee LIVE Reaching Beyond The Imaginable With Dr. Kimberly 08/04 by Word of Mom Radio | Paranormal Podcasts
The Embraceable YOU!!! Status: SINGLE
There have been many people asking me lately to answer the question for their secret wish! "When will that right person enter my life and sweep me off my feet?" When I do a reading for those who ask, many different things can happen. Through communication with their Guides and the cards, I am either told a time frame and specific details or what needs to happen with the person asking, prior to it even being possible. With the later of the two, there is an appreciation, but also a disappointment.
In all honesty, for a person to be in a meaningful and unconditional loving relationship with a partner, one must be comfortable in their own skin first. It's a process of loving who you are from the inside out, no insecurities, confidence in yourself, increasing self-esteem, releasing emotional blocks and not actively seeking another. A relationship isn't about dependency or needing another. It's about sharing beautiful, fun moments with another person whom the energies mix and being on the same vibrational frequencies, but still being able for each to carry on their separate interests without guilt being placed on the other.
When a person let's it be known they are actively seeking a partner, they are lonely and wish for one or that is what consumes their mind, attracting the wrong ones in your life happens. It is then time to stop and take a good look in the mirror and start asking why you feel this way. These are signs of insecurity with self, low self esteem and dependency on another. Having these characteristics is not the formula for happiness when entering a relationship. It's time to heal yourself before bringing another person into the picture.
Heal the wounds of the past by being honest with yourself first. Seeking the help of friends and if need be, the assistance of a professional. Evaluate what has gone wrong in past relationships. Was there a repeated pattern in each one? Admit your own parts in the relationships, as no one is perfect and be able to forgive in your heart. Rid yourself of negativity and drama, marching forward in a more positive light.
Spend quality time with friends and family! Focus on you! Be dependent on you! Go out and live your life to the fullest and enjoy all the blessings currently graced upon you. If you feel there are no friends, then ask you self why. Go out and make some by attending functions where there are others who have similar interests.
When the time is right it will happen and remember that being in the wrong relationship can be more lonely and toxic than being alone. So take the time to focus on yourself to be the best you can be! It's only fair to yourself and the future partner you wish to share the special moments with!
In Love and Light!
Copyright Protected © 2013. All Rights Reserved
In all honesty, for a person to be in a meaningful and unconditional loving relationship with a partner, one must be comfortable in their own skin first. It's a process of loving who you are from the inside out, no insecurities, confidence in yourself, increasing self-esteem, releasing emotional blocks and not actively seeking another. A relationship isn't about dependency or needing another. It's about sharing beautiful, fun moments with another person whom the energies mix and being on the same vibrational frequencies, but still being able for each to carry on their separate interests without guilt being placed on the other.
When a person let's it be known they are actively seeking a partner, they are lonely and wish for one or that is what consumes their mind, attracting the wrong ones in your life happens. It is then time to stop and take a good look in the mirror and start asking why you feel this way. These are signs of insecurity with self, low self esteem and dependency on another. Having these characteristics is not the formula for happiness when entering a relationship. It's time to heal yourself before bringing another person into the picture.
Heal the wounds of the past by being honest with yourself first. Seeking the help of friends and if need be, the assistance of a professional. Evaluate what has gone wrong in past relationships. Was there a repeated pattern in each one? Admit your own parts in the relationships, as no one is perfect and be able to forgive in your heart. Rid yourself of negativity and drama, marching forward in a more positive light.
Spend quality time with friends and family! Focus on you! Be dependent on you! Go out and live your life to the fullest and enjoy all the blessings currently graced upon you. If you feel there are no friends, then ask you self why. Go out and make some by attending functions where there are others who have similar interests.
When the time is right it will happen and remember that being in the wrong relationship can be more lonely and toxic than being alone. So take the time to focus on yourself to be the best you can be! It's only fair to yourself and the future partner you wish to share the special moments with!
In Love and Light!
Copyright Protected © 2013. All Rights Reserved
A Channeled Message on LOVE for July 27th, 2013
The second drawing that I was asked to do for everyone has to do with #LOVE!
Many people are seeking romance and companionship and are either finding the wrong person and settling out of desperation, hoping that the other will change, or by letting it be known they are on the prowl! raaaawwwwrrrrrr lol
Just like everything else you wish for in life, with the Law of Attraction and the way the Universe works, you need to be specific. What are the qualities you are seeking in a mate? Similar interests... Laughter... Fun... What about if you have children? How do you wish them to be with your children? You want them to accept your flaws, yes? Sense of humor is important! How about adding in some unconditional love?
You need to be specific in all areas and think it frequently, as it is already happening. Using names isn't what you want to do, as if the person is right for you, it will happen. Love yourself, be happy and most importantly... Be yourself!
The more often you do the above things, the sooner it will happen. Remain positive!
An added bonus is lighting a pink candle and calling upon Archangel Chamuel. Tell AA Chamuel all the above and watch things unfold!
Many people are seeking romance and companionship and are either finding the wrong person and settling out of desperation, hoping that the other will change, or by letting it be known they are on the prowl! raaaawwwwrrrrrr lol
Just like everything else you wish for in life, with the Law of Attraction and the way the Universe works, you need to be specific. What are the qualities you are seeking in a mate? Similar interests... Laughter... Fun... What about if you have children? How do you wish them to be with your children? You want them to accept your flaws, yes? Sense of humor is important! How about adding in some unconditional love?
You need to be specific in all areas and think it frequently, as it is already happening. Using names isn't what you want to do, as if the person is right for you, it will happen. Love yourself, be happy and most importantly... Be yourself!
The more often you do the above things, the sooner it will happen. Remain positive!
An added bonus is lighting a pink candle and calling upon Archangel Chamuel. Tell AA Chamuel all the above and watch things unfold!
A Channeled Message for July 27th, 2013
You all know that when I hear from the higher
powers that a message is needed for all, either I relay the message or
get a big slap to the back of my head, so I choose to relay that
message... lol Here is what they want you all to recognize and work on, as they are bringing things before you now.
The Angels wish for you to start Compromising with others. Sometimes we all get set in our ways of right and wrong, my way or the highway and even not wanting to change our staunch ways. When we compromise, it is a win win situation for all involved and works out for the highest good for all!
Adding to this is the Shadow Self, or those characteristics about ourselves that we don't like to admit and seeing them in others. It also has to do with patience, change and tolerance...
You are probably seeing different things being brought forward in your daily life at this moment that irritates you with others. Maybe it is someone driving slowly when you are in a hurry.. A child screaming in a store.... Ordering something to eat and it not being right... Someone cutting in front of you in a line... etc...
How you handle these different types of people and situations is a reflection on your darker side. Most get frustrated, angered, cuss and some even start to fight. They are intentionally being placed in front of you at this point and time to invoke change within yourself. Whether you choose to make these changes is up to you. It's Free Will, but they are asking you to move forward in your own growth!
Here is an example of what happened to me the other day... I was in the store the other day and standing in a long line. A very confident man cut in front of me and of course everyone else behind me who had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity. Like many, my first thought was to say something rude, but my children were with me and I am always trying my best to set an example for all others when I can. So I said to this confident man... Sure, you can get in front of me. (Tried not being sarcastic lol) He gave me a nasty look and those behind me weren't happy. When it was finally his time to pay, he didn't have enough money. He became angry with the cashier and stormed out. Confident he was indeed! I put my items on the counter and the cashier apologized to me for his all around rudeness. I only smiled and said it was ok. In turn, I was given a free cappuccino! So as you can see it's all in how we handle these moments, that reflects back onto us.
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend, full of much love and happiness!
The Angels wish for you to start Compromising with others. Sometimes we all get set in our ways of right and wrong, my way or the highway and even not wanting to change our staunch ways. When we compromise, it is a win win situation for all involved and works out for the highest good for all!
Adding to this is the Shadow Self, or those characteristics about ourselves that we don't like to admit and seeing them in others. It also has to do with patience, change and tolerance...
You are probably seeing different things being brought forward in your daily life at this moment that irritates you with others. Maybe it is someone driving slowly when you are in a hurry.. A child screaming in a store.... Ordering something to eat and it not being right... Someone cutting in front of you in a line... etc...
How you handle these different types of people and situations is a reflection on your darker side. Most get frustrated, angered, cuss and some even start to fight. They are intentionally being placed in front of you at this point and time to invoke change within yourself. Whether you choose to make these changes is up to you. It's Free Will, but they are asking you to move forward in your own growth!
Here is an example of what happened to me the other day... I was in the store the other day and standing in a long line. A very confident man cut in front of me and of course everyone else behind me who had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity. Like many, my first thought was to say something rude, but my children were with me and I am always trying my best to set an example for all others when I can. So I said to this confident man... Sure, you can get in front of me. (Tried not being sarcastic lol) He gave me a nasty look and those behind me weren't happy. When it was finally his time to pay, he didn't have enough money. He became angry with the cashier and stormed out. Confident he was indeed! I put my items on the counter and the cashier apologized to me for his all around rudeness. I only smiled and said it was ok. In turn, I was given a free cappuccino! So as you can see it's all in how we handle these moments, that reflects back onto us.
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend, full of much love and happiness!
Change... Fear... Faith and The Fool (Card)
Most of you who know me well, are aware that tarot is not my preference with readings. I used to use the tarot decks all the time, so the meanings are still engraved in my mind. There is one card that I am being told by my guides many need to hear today, as it relates to many of the posts I am seeing on here.
Discussing this will help to clarify to those who FEAR CHANGE and how adventurous CHANGE truly can be.... The FOOL CARD is the lowest of the Court Cards in the Major Arcana, as they are known in tarot. By the lowest, I am speaking of the youngest. Young, adventurous, full of life, jumping into the unknown head on, leaving the past behind, Faith, learning and an open mind.
The Fool is a curious lad, always seeking change the the determination of a pure soul or a child. He has no reservations, knows what he wants and takes that leap of faith into new adventures. He knows no fear when it comes to change. The Fool is very aware that in order to grow or better himself, live happier, without caring what others think of him; he will be in a state of stagnation and staying in a comfort zone.
The comfort zone is the safety net that can hold back instead of allowing forward movement. He isn't one for settling in any area of his life, due to the comfort from knowing no different. He is very aware that whether he succeeds or not is up to him. No Fear....
As adults, many are so dependent on the safety nets we have placed within our lives. We may not be happy, but fear and the past are what keep us within this stagnation. Our souls crave change and learning, leading us down the path we are meant to be.
These changes are not limited when it comes to so all areas within our lives. Change in employment, thoughts, actions, home, all relationships; things that used to work for us now that no longer do and things that no longer serve a positive purpose in our lives.
So when you hear about change and just doing it, remember The Fool who embraces change through the eyes of a child. It's all about thought and action, perseverance, determination, no looking back at the past or mistakes and positivity. The outcome? Only The Fool knows, as it's his destination, goal, dream, wish and future.
We can die happy or wondering what if all of our lives. So everyone embrace change with an open heart and an open mind! Set out on that awesome adventure and see the many blessings along the way! Mind... Body and a Happy Soul!!!
With much Love and Light!
Copyright Protected © 2013. All Rights Reserved
Discussing this will help to clarify to those who FEAR CHANGE and how adventurous CHANGE truly can be.... The FOOL CARD is the lowest of the Court Cards in the Major Arcana, as they are known in tarot. By the lowest, I am speaking of the youngest. Young, adventurous, full of life, jumping into the unknown head on, leaving the past behind, Faith, learning and an open mind.
The Fool is a curious lad, always seeking change the the determination of a pure soul or a child. He has no reservations, knows what he wants and takes that leap of faith into new adventures. He knows no fear when it comes to change. The Fool is very aware that in order to grow or better himself, live happier, without caring what others think of him; he will be in a state of stagnation and staying in a comfort zone.
The comfort zone is the safety net that can hold back instead of allowing forward movement. He isn't one for settling in any area of his life, due to the comfort from knowing no different. He is very aware that whether he succeeds or not is up to him. No Fear....
As adults, many are so dependent on the safety nets we have placed within our lives. We may not be happy, but fear and the past are what keep us within this stagnation. Our souls crave change and learning, leading us down the path we are meant to be.
These changes are not limited when it comes to so all areas within our lives. Change in employment, thoughts, actions, home, all relationships; things that used to work for us now that no longer do and things that no longer serve a positive purpose in our lives.
So when you hear about change and just doing it, remember The Fool who embraces change through the eyes of a child. It's all about thought and action, perseverance, determination, no looking back at the past or mistakes and positivity. The outcome? Only The Fool knows, as it's his destination, goal, dream, wish and future.
We can die happy or wondering what if all of our lives. So everyone embrace change with an open heart and an open mind! Set out on that awesome adventure and see the many blessings along the way! Mind... Body and a Happy Soul!!!
With much Love and Light!
Copyright Protected © 2013. All Rights Reserved
A Global Angel message from Ascended Master Quan Yin
Quan Yin is telling us all to let go of all of the situations we cannot
control, to God, Higher Power, Spirit and your Angels. Whether it be
fear, struggles, anger, forcing things to happen
or worry. When we release all of the above and go with the flow if the
Universe, things will fall into place as they are meant to be and we
open ourselves up to more positive things.
Holding grudges, passing judgement, not forgiving yourself or others. When we blame ourselves for events that we may or may not have done. All of these different forms of emotional baggage hinder the good that is meant to enter our lives. They add more emotional blocks to which is already there. These can lead to depression, increased fear and can effect those around us too.
When we release past issues, arguments, show more compassion for ourselves and others with all involved. It opens our heart chakra to acceptance of others and unconditional love for all.
So take it easy on yourself and others. Forgive the past and embrace the new. Move forward and no looking back or continuing the path of stagnation. Welcome peace within into your life!
Quan Lin is the Buddhist goddess who "hears all prayers". She assists all with compassion and forgiveness. You can call upon her to receive help with these areas of your life. ^*j*^ Renee
This card is from the Ascended Masters deck from Doreen Virtue.
Holding grudges, passing judgement, not forgiving yourself or others. When we blame ourselves for events that we may or may not have done. All of these different forms of emotional baggage hinder the good that is meant to enter our lives. They add more emotional blocks to which is already there. These can lead to depression, increased fear and can effect those around us too.
When we release past issues, arguments, show more compassion for ourselves and others with all involved. It opens our heart chakra to acceptance of others and unconditional love for all.
So take it easy on yourself and others. Forgive the past and embrace the new. Move forward and no looking back or continuing the path of stagnation. Welcome peace within into your life!
Quan Lin is the Buddhist goddess who "hears all prayers". She assists all with compassion and forgiveness. You can call upon her to receive help with these areas of your life. ^*j*^ Renee
This card is from the Ascended Masters deck from Doreen Virtue.
The Power Of Suggestion, Fear And The Reality Of Hauntings
We all know that the power of suggestion has a major effect on how one perceives or views any situation. Some things if not presented in it's whole entirety can instill fear, or a deeper fear in others. The mind is a very delicate mass that has many intricate, hidden facets, emphasizing what is seen, heard and even read.... Especially when it comes to FEAR!
I can not stress enough the importance of positivity in one(s) own life. There are many reasons behind this and I have discussed many in the past. Not only is it a healthier way of living, but it is also draws in the positive, which is a very welcoming wish that many desire, yes?
Well pushing all religion aside, as I feel when it comes to spirituality and the paranormal there are too many different beliefs and interpretations out there. I am just going to put it out there and say it as it is. What brings spirits into your home. What types of spirits and why. Then I will discuss the power of suggestion and ill placed fear.
All homes at one point or another will have transient or what I call walk through spirits. These are spirits that sort of pop in and pop out. They usually don't stay long. Some homes have spirits that linger or are there no matter what. These include relatives, friends, people who occupied the home in the past or even a home built on a burial ground, including sacred ones. Are they all negative spirits? No, they are not.
With these spirits you may have things move in your home, end up with what is perceived as being scary events, hear sounds, receive markings, etc. In all actuality, a spirit needs much energy to manifest and do things to get a person's attention. It does not mean the spirit is there to harm you. The energy exerted can be powerful.
A spirit that may haunt a home can appear negative, when all actuality it is positive. If they are upset that you are occupying what was once their home. If there is an item in there they don't want to leave and in some cases you are interfering with their daily activity or work, as you do your activities or work. You can make a compromise with a spirit of this sort and a harmonious coexistence can easily occur. Just speak to them and state your wishes and how they can make it easier too. To tell them you understand and that you wish for peace amongst all within in that home or you will send them away. It can be done.
There are many reasons a negative spirit may be in a home. If there is residual energy from those living there in the past. The past residents may have argued, fought, been severely depressed or other events that may have happened within the home. Residual energy lingers within the walls, similar to cigarette smoke lingers on clothing. residual energy isn't a spirit, but left over energy that has soaked in. Residual energy can cause an unsettled home, arguments, and other family issues. How do you remove residual? Through doing a spiritual clearing and smudging. De clutter your home of messes and the removal of negative thoughts or people whom may be there if possible.
What else brings negative spirits into a home? A person who is very negative, depressed, fighting, arguing, illness and simply calling the negative spirits into a home. Some open portals, do rituals and through fear instilled from others will do this through the power of suggestion. Then again, the power of suggestion is in the pretense a false event in many cases, relating to spirits, as your mind can trick you into believing it's actually happening.
If a portal was opened prior to the purchase of a home, it may still remain and the same is true pertaining to those who practiced rituals within the home. These can easily be taken care of through an experienced person who is capable of closing the portal and locating the items or area these were performed and clearing it.
Now I will discuss "Demons". Very few hauntings are demonic. They are far and few in between. If a spirit was negative in the physical world, the negativity can be magnified after passing. When it visits the physical world, it will use the new power of negativity to receive the energy it needs to feed off of. These type of entities can resemble demonic activity, but in all actuality, it isn't. Many people believe that most hauntings, especially bad ones are demonic. Completely not true.
Spirits become most active between the hours of 2am and 5am. This includes positive and negative energy. It isn't only negative energy. It is easiest for a positive spirit to communicate with people in the physical world during those hours, as the veil between the two worlds thins out and run parallel to each other. Many will recall having a dream of a loved one who has passed. The conversation that they had and the activity that took place. Your loved one has actually come to you and the conversation was real. It wasn't a dream. Truly a beautiful experience that one has no reason to fear.
Do negative spirits enter your home during these hours? It is possible if there is a negative person within the home. If someone calls them in, as can be done with a positive one. I will stand by this... Negative energy is brought into a home due to at least one occupant having a negative attitude, residual energy or because of an item in the home. In many cases though.... A negative entity will not enter your home unless it is welcomed. Again.... Demonic... Most likely not.
Positive will always be more powerful than negative. It's when one gives into the negative that issues appear. The power of thought and the power of suggestion can both be very damaging, when it comes to negative spirits entering a home.
So when you see something written as a post, see it on a television show, hear it from another or allow fear to overcome your life... Think twice. Is the information factual? Does it tell the whole story? Is it based only on religion? Remember that instilling fear into another is a negative act that not only effects adults, but can scar a child for life. Learn, research and educate yourself. Not just a portion of it, but as a whole. Fear is something that no one needs in their life. And those who post, ask yourself is it instilling fear in others? Is it the whole story or one sided. What damage could you be causing to others. Think before you write or speak.
Always remember that spirits walk the physical world at all hours of the day and night. The middle of the night is the easiest for a spirit to communicate with the living, not to scare or possess. No matter what, YOU have the power within you to stand firm and release the negative energy from your home and life. Positive energy is always more powerful than negative energy. There are steps to take that will help you to keep your home free of negative energy, that I will not get into at this point in time. The most powerful is standing firmly, speaking firmly and stating you have the control over it and it isn't welcome there. That it needs to leave now. It has no control over you and then believe it.
With much Love and Light...
Copyright Protected © 2013. All Rights Reserved
I can not stress enough the importance of positivity in one(s) own life. There are many reasons behind this and I have discussed many in the past. Not only is it a healthier way of living, but it is also draws in the positive, which is a very welcoming wish that many desire, yes?
Well pushing all religion aside, as I feel when it comes to spirituality and the paranormal there are too many different beliefs and interpretations out there. I am just going to put it out there and say it as it is. What brings spirits into your home. What types of spirits and why. Then I will discuss the power of suggestion and ill placed fear.
All homes at one point or another will have transient or what I call walk through spirits. These are spirits that sort of pop in and pop out. They usually don't stay long. Some homes have spirits that linger or are there no matter what. These include relatives, friends, people who occupied the home in the past or even a home built on a burial ground, including sacred ones. Are they all negative spirits? No, they are not.
With these spirits you may have things move in your home, end up with what is perceived as being scary events, hear sounds, receive markings, etc. In all actuality, a spirit needs much energy to manifest and do things to get a person's attention. It does not mean the spirit is there to harm you. The energy exerted can be powerful.
A spirit that may haunt a home can appear negative, when all actuality it is positive. If they are upset that you are occupying what was once their home. If there is an item in there they don't want to leave and in some cases you are interfering with their daily activity or work, as you do your activities or work. You can make a compromise with a spirit of this sort and a harmonious coexistence can easily occur. Just speak to them and state your wishes and how they can make it easier too. To tell them you understand and that you wish for peace amongst all within in that home or you will send them away. It can be done.
There are many reasons a negative spirit may be in a home. If there is residual energy from those living there in the past. The past residents may have argued, fought, been severely depressed or other events that may have happened within the home. Residual energy lingers within the walls, similar to cigarette smoke lingers on clothing. residual energy isn't a spirit, but left over energy that has soaked in. Residual energy can cause an unsettled home, arguments, and other family issues. How do you remove residual? Through doing a spiritual clearing and smudging. De clutter your home of messes and the removal of negative thoughts or people whom may be there if possible.
What else brings negative spirits into a home? A person who is very negative, depressed, fighting, arguing, illness and simply calling the negative spirits into a home. Some open portals, do rituals and through fear instilled from others will do this through the power of suggestion. Then again, the power of suggestion is in the pretense a false event in many cases, relating to spirits, as your mind can trick you into believing it's actually happening.
If a portal was opened prior to the purchase of a home, it may still remain and the same is true pertaining to those who practiced rituals within the home. These can easily be taken care of through an experienced person who is capable of closing the portal and locating the items or area these were performed and clearing it.
Now I will discuss "Demons". Very few hauntings are demonic. They are far and few in between. If a spirit was negative in the physical world, the negativity can be magnified after passing. When it visits the physical world, it will use the new power of negativity to receive the energy it needs to feed off of. These type of entities can resemble demonic activity, but in all actuality, it isn't. Many people believe that most hauntings, especially bad ones are demonic. Completely not true.
Spirits become most active between the hours of 2am and 5am. This includes positive and negative energy. It isn't only negative energy. It is easiest for a positive spirit to communicate with people in the physical world during those hours, as the veil between the two worlds thins out and run parallel to each other. Many will recall having a dream of a loved one who has passed. The conversation that they had and the activity that took place. Your loved one has actually come to you and the conversation was real. It wasn't a dream. Truly a beautiful experience that one has no reason to fear.
Do negative spirits enter your home during these hours? It is possible if there is a negative person within the home. If someone calls them in, as can be done with a positive one. I will stand by this... Negative energy is brought into a home due to at least one occupant having a negative attitude, residual energy or because of an item in the home. In many cases though.... A negative entity will not enter your home unless it is welcomed. Again.... Demonic... Most likely not.
Positive will always be more powerful than negative. It's when one gives into the negative that issues appear. The power of thought and the power of suggestion can both be very damaging, when it comes to negative spirits entering a home.
So when you see something written as a post, see it on a television show, hear it from another or allow fear to overcome your life... Think twice. Is the information factual? Does it tell the whole story? Is it based only on religion? Remember that instilling fear into another is a negative act that not only effects adults, but can scar a child for life. Learn, research and educate yourself. Not just a portion of it, but as a whole. Fear is something that no one needs in their life. And those who post, ask yourself is it instilling fear in others? Is it the whole story or one sided. What damage could you be causing to others. Think before you write or speak.
Always remember that spirits walk the physical world at all hours of the day and night. The middle of the night is the easiest for a spirit to communicate with the living, not to scare or possess. No matter what, YOU have the power within you to stand firm and release the negative energy from your home and life. Positive energy is always more powerful than negative energy. There are steps to take that will help you to keep your home free of negative energy, that I will not get into at this point in time. The most powerful is standing firmly, speaking firmly and stating you have the control over it and it isn't welcome there. That it needs to leave now. It has no control over you and then believe it.
With much Love and Light...
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