
Carrying The Big Stick

I originally wrote this a year ago, but felt it was a good one to share, for he is with me and on my mind often. 

My Grandfather always used to say to his grandchildren…”Always carry a big stick!” When we were young, the thought was always to use it as self-defense. That was what he was referring to, yes? So we were all, except for one, in our teens when he passed on. He departed with many stories left untold and lessons to learn. We actually enjoyed listening to him….

As I have grown “Younger” through the years, I have come to realize what it was Grandpa was really saying. “Always Carry A Big Stick”… The “Stick” is our inner strength. He was telling us that no matter what we faced in life, your inner strength is always there…USE IT! We all have a stick that we have within us, do we use it?

*A little background on Grandpa. His parents came over to America from Italy, but he was born here in the United States. He was young during the “Great Depression” and his parents owned a store. He had no choice but to quit school and help out. That’s how it was for many. He may not have been highly educated, but he was very intelligent and the lessons he taught us were truly priceless.  Many days I wish that I could have learned more of his wisdom, but I now realize it’s time to make my own to pass on.

Love and Light

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